
I’ve realized that during the ten weeks that we’ve been living with the COVID-19 threat, our family has been participating in many of the same at-home activities that others are doing.

We’re working and worshiping at home.

I’m sowing and growing my own plants.

We’re putting together a jigsaw puzzle in our living room.

I’m sewing face masks from on-hand materials.

I’m giving masks away and still have a nice inventory up for grabs.

I’ve been talking to my mom twice as often and hearing from son Eric and Amanda every day.

We are enjoying face-to-face time with them on Sundays.


Eric bought hair clippers on-line and was proud to show us his neat cut.

Son Kyle also bought clippers and I had (maybe too much) fun using them on him.

Dave’s regular hair appointment was set for March 14,

the day the salons closed. His hair kept growing.

I watched videos on how to cut men’s hair with scissors and offered to cut Dave’s.

He said that we would eventually do it,

but then his stylist called to reschedule him before I got to try my hand at it.

My last haircut was on January 14. I had been thinking about getting a cut in March…

but then it was too late.

One of the things I haven’t missed is thinking about whether to get a haircut and how to have it styled.

My natural color and waves are pretty agreeable –

until my hair gets wider as well as longer.

On one weekend, I spontaneously cut my bangs short and trimmed up the sides a little,

but the back was still thick and heavy.

When the salons started opening, I called and was able to schedule with my stylist in a few weeks.

But, on Saturday morning, I commented to Dave that I REALLY wanted my hair cut.

He said, “I’m not touching it.”

After my shower, I stood at the mirror and figured out how to pull the hair up in a comb

for “someone” to cut it off with the clipper…

Dave agreed to do it and here is our result!

I have continued to snip off little pieces each morning and I only went for the “covid cut” because I had decided to get it cut really short.

Plus I wanted to see if we could do it. Others have.




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