Stretching Sunday Morning

With the first Sunday in November came that hour that we skipped back in March. Daylight Savings Time has ended in Ohio, bringing an earlier sunrise and the more-difficult-to-adjust-to earlier sunset. Rather than bemoan it being dark by dinner time, I’ve decided to share how that “extra” hour came in handy in our household. Each of the three of us appreciated and used the time in a unique way.


For Dave’s family, the first of November has always meant birthdays. Both my mother-in-law and her sister were born in the first few days of November. We lost Dave’s mom some years ago, however this year marks his aunt’s 94th birthday. She has held a special place in Dave’s life, and he in hers, since the day he was born. Dave’s mom was unable to care for him for the first six weeks of his life, so her sister did the early mothering. I’ve been told by his aunt that she did not want to give him back, and she has treasured time with him to this day. For the first time, her birthday celebration was held in a nursing home this year, and Dave and his siblings were invited to the buffet lunch on Sunday. I let him make the three and a half hour journey alone on Sunday morning, a journey made easier after an extra hour of sleep. I know that he was blessed by the beauty of our uncommonly late Fall Foliage on the way and by spending some time with his family.

Green grass and brightly colored leaves this late in the year? I’m loving it.


Having participated in our church’s Craft Fair on Saturday and been awake some during the night, I slept the extra hour away, rising just in time to send Dave out the door with some hastily printed blog posts for him to take along for my Mom. I knew that he planned to stop for an afternoon visit with her before driving back  home. She isn’t online, but wants to read and save the pieces I write.

Dave helped me with set-up and tear-down of my jewelry display and manned the table so I could visit some other vendors.

I took some  time to sip coffee and enjoy the scenery in our backyard before getting ready for church. What a sweet surprise it was to see a robin land on the wire just outside my kitchen window! I hadn’t seen one in weeks and soon there were three of my red-breasted friends in view. Suddenly our backyard was full of a variety of birds and I was grabbing my phone to take photos from the dining room window. My favorite few days of the year are the ones when the maple outside that window is golden, casting a warm glow right into the room. And in that hour my favorite bird, a cardinal, landed in the tree to pose for me.That kind of moment restores my soul.


Son Kyle was sitting at the dining room table filling out some important paperwork. On Saturday he received notice from our Sheriff that he will be on the Jury list beginning in January. He wanted to get the questionnaire into the mail right away. He ran a few of the questions by me while I was lingering at the window, one of them being what to call Dave’s occupation. I gave him the word Publisher, then quickly corrected it to HERO. That’s what he is. I didn’t miss a beat when he asked for my occupation, replying “Superhero!” then laughing and stating “Homemaker.” Once that form was sealed in its return envelope, Kyle moved on to his absentee election ballot while I climbed the stairs to shower and dress. The two of us made it to church on time and then enjoyed lunch together and a quiet afternoon.

After dinner, Dave called as he was leaving my Mom’s house. They had watched some football together and shared life’s updates. He made it home before 8 PM and we three gathered around the the television to watch Mickey’s 90th Spectacular, an entertaining end to an extra long day. Dave told us that his aunt, at 94, was the youngest at her lunch table, being joined by two women who are nearing 100. He was impressed at how mentally sharp they all were. We wondered if any remember when Mickey Mouse didn’t exist.

Mickey got to meet Kyle earlier this year and loved his hat.

Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.  For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.  Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life[b]? 26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:22-26


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